Wednesday, 17 June 2015

100 people were killed yesterday June 16th after a Boko Haram booby trap exploded in the heart of the Munguno market in Borno. According to KSM news, a Boko Haram member who disguised as a member of the state's JTF Vigilante group carried the booby trap into the market where it detonated and killed several people. According to reports, the Vigilante members had earlier engaged the sect members in a fight where they chased them out of their community. While trying to escape, the sect members abandoned their weapons which included guns and other objects, one of which was a booby trap...

100 people were killed yesterday June 16th after a Boko Haram booby trap exploded in the heart of the Munguno market in Borno. According to KSM news, a Boko Haram member who disguised as a member of the state's JTF Vigilante group carried the booby trap into the market where it detonated and killed several people. According to reports, the Vigilante members had earlier engaged the sect members in a fight where they chased them out of their community. While trying to escape, the sect members abandoned their weapons which included guns and other objects, one of which was a booby trap... more »

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